Here for You

Hi there!

I am so very happy you found your way here. My name is Veera, I’m the founder and lead trainer of Studio Arete, and a lover of beauty, people and excellence. I live and work to build bridges between the unseen world of creative imagination and the practical needs of our world. In my moments of joy you’ll find me from spontaneous dance parties with dear friends, in awe of flowers, or reading C. S. Lewis at cafés of the past.

For the past ten years I have explored what it takes for human focused leadership to be worth the effort. Through my background in Theology; People & Culture work in Tech; and research in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, I’ve learned why this fascinating phenomenon is such a great concept for helping people, companies and essentially our world to work and be better. Now, with my colleagues I am delighted to share our journey of continuous learning with you. Should you choose to place yourself or your organization in our sphere of influence, we promise to take good care of what you entrust in our hands.

Love, Veera

Veera Vaarnamo
Leadership Trainer & Human Flourishing Architect
M.Sc. (Econ.) & B.Th.

Portrait: Saara Vuola

Our Human Flourishing Professionals

Iida is a psychologist specialised in relationship dynamics and emotional intelligence. She has broad insight into building cultures of courage and trust, and helps organisations thrive from the inside out. She combines insights from future studies and foresight with a deep understanding of human behaviour and a systems approach to organisations. Iida has broad experience in helping executives foster internal motivation at work as well as develop emotional and relational intelligence and effective communication styles. In addition, she is one of Finland’s most sought after keynote speakers and holds a private practice for individuals and couples. In her happiest you’ll find her from Italy, dancing, in nature or sipping milky oolong in aesthetic surroundings.

Iida Mäkikallio
Trainer & Psychologist
M.Sc. (Psych.)

Anni Harada Black and White

Anni is an organizational mediator with deep insights into conflict resolution and restorative and non-violent communication. As an experienced trainer Anni helps executives and teams in creating high quality collaborative environments. Her exceptional skills in facilitating constructive discussions and peace in relational dynamics provide effective tools for leaders in pursuit of psychologically safe work places. Anni’s encouraging style of training empowers individuals both to identify barriers on their journey, as well as solutions to overcome them, for them and their teams to reach their full potential. Anni’s best days start from the trails, running in awe of the surrounding nature, and continue by exploring life’s many wonders together with her family. When cooking for friends on a weekend, her background music of choice is jazz.

Anni Harada
Trainer & Organizational Mediator
M.Sc. (Econ.)

Veera is a therapist, theologian and a teacher. With a deep understanding of the human life, she specialises in helping organizations and individuals find and work in their purpose. Her expertise in teaching makes her an effective educator, and as a solution focused therapist she excels in facilitating the emergence of her customers’ true potential. Veera is a professional in the Why’s of life and work. She supports executives and teams in clarifying their values, beliefs and attitudes through coaching and training. In addition Veera serves individuals through one on one coaching and short term therapy, and is also the head of content for an Edutech startup. As a person Veera is curious about the individuals and little possibilities she comes across in her day to day. While she is always kind hearted, you wouldn’t want to face her on the football field.

Veera Nordman
Trainer & Theologian


We’re here for You

Let’s connect! All greetings, questions and requests are warmly welcome.